Sunday, October 10, 2010

Land shark

The central Mississippi land shark may be a smallish creature during her infancy. But even at 20 pounds, she circles dens and dining rooms and kitchens with a ferocious appetite.

And though toothless, her jaws manage to overpower the unfortunate morsels that find themselves in her way.

Here, we see her helpless prey is a strawberry yogurt melt. She has not met many of these in her short lifetime. Still, it seems this cunning predator is set on attack.

Perhaps the most dangerous feature of the land shark, besides her appetite, is her lightning fast phalanges. Indeed, this is a feat of anatomy her oceanic cousins wished they possessed.

And what the land shark lacks in toothage, she more than makes up for with powerful grip and gaping jaw. CHOMP!

Poor yogurt melt never saw her coming. We can only hope it didn't have a family.