Thursday, October 21, 2010

My kitchen helpers

Here's a peep over the guard rails and into the pit of my mad dash to make dinner most nights. Introducing my "helpers" if you will...all except poor Maxine. The only 70-pound sheprador I know who is scared of cameras.

Daddy often takes pictures while Mommy is up to her wrists in pumpkin bread batter or giblet gravy. Josie's job is to look cute and eat things.

Like, um, lens caps. (Seriously, we don't let her eat lens caps. Though she tries mightily.)

So lookout Keebler elves! These are the best food-makin' helpers ever. And they don't wear creepy yellow short pants and floppy red hats. (Seriously, they don't. Though they'd be mighty cute in that get-up, too.)

1 comment:

  1. I will pay you $5 if you make them dress up like that for Halloween.
