Thursday, November 18, 2010

Best birthday dinner ever

Tonight, we ate at our favorite Indian place to celebrate my birthday. (Hot Dang! I've been able to string this celebration out for a week!) It wasn't fancy. It wasn't expensive. It was perfect.
Particularly because I was there with my two favorite people, my tribe, my husband and daughter. And we all shared.
Chris and I ordered our curries mildly spiced and Josie dug into yellow dal (a lentil stew with tomatoes and cumin) and palek paneer (spinach with cheese cubes). I split open my samosa and scooped out potato and pea stuffing for her. I even shared my gulab jamun dessert.
We left a pretty generous tip considering half of it wound up on the floor, but I think she liked it all.
Side note: What is the proper tipping protocol for the times when child-in-tow makes a moderate to unholy mess? I always tip 20 percent for good service, but I imagine leaving more is a better choice, right?
I've realize I take pleasure in being able to share food with my babe. When I was carrying her in the bread basket, I had no choice but to share. When she nursed, I was the food. When she started solids, I made the food. But now, we finally sit down and eat the same things and it feels different ... complete.
Am I making any sense?
Anyway, best birthday dinner ever!
And the dinner before was nice, too. Just us ladies.
I picked up a premade meal from the grocery store since time and an empty pantry weren't on my side. Grilled chicken, cheesy pasta and mixed vegetables. It was ordinary, but it will be a meal that will always stand out. Watching Josie stuff her face with the same dinner made me feel happy.

Carrots and green beans and pasta! Oh yum!

C'mere veggies!

Yo moms, more eats!
(Josie apparently loves exclamation points and finger points)
Now, I can't wait for Chris and I to make our favorite foods for her and to find out what her favorites are.
What are your family's favorites? Gimme some ideas. After all, it's my birthday.

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