Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Leftover hash

Mommy's a little worn out, y'all. So it's leftover hash for dinner tonight. By that I mean bits and pieces of thoughts and events related to feeding my chick from this week all mixed together.
A little a this: I finally got a copy of the menu from Josie's daycare. Some of it's good.
Like today, she ate steamed cabbage, black-eyed peas and cornbread. Made my southern heart sing.
Some of it's not so good. I think I read tater tots, veggie sticks (what the heewho are those) and buttered corn a few too many times.
The plan now is that I'll send back-up lunches on days that end in "Why is that on the menu?"
A little of that: I went to Target on the way home from work with Pooter for provisions. It was very Oregon Trail.
Any way, I was walking down the baby food aisle in search of those disposable place mats with sticky on the bottom that are a godsend at restaurants when the baby snacks started calling my name. Now, I know you're not supposed to shop when you're hungry. (I'm always hungry.) Still, I thought that couldn't cause trouble when I'm shopping for someone else...could it? And that's how baby cookies found their way into my cart.
Arrowroot cookies. They look like teething biscuits. And arrowroot? Doesn't that sound healthy? Like some grain with fibrous sheaths that could lower your cholesterol by just looking at it.
Well, who knows. I still don't. After shaking the magic Gerber dust out of my eyes, I do know those cookies are just cookies. Sweet, sweet cookies.
I ate one. I gave Josie one. She saw me open the crinkly, brightly hued package. She looked up with Moon Pie eyes. I caved.
We relished our cookies. Well, actually she gummed hers and then dropped half on the floor.
Then, she gave me a big, wet, open-mouthed kiss and left hand prints on my pants.
For that kind of exchange, perhaps I can overlook the high fructose corn syrup. But only every once in a while.
Cause that how it be sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! We have those cookies too, because really, every now and then you just need a cookie. and it's the closest thing to sugar I'll let him have just yet...(I'm even finding great healthy first cake recipes online!)

    And yay for cornbread!
