Now that Josie has chompers, or rather the tips of the icebergs, and is pretty adept with finger foods, I thought we would see how she would like teething biscuits.

I have to admit I was anxious about giving them to her. I'm still anxious as she sits next to me in her high chair sucking away on one. That's because often I (FREAK OUT) am concerned about her choking. And I am (obsessed) vigilant.

But I try to trust my daughter and make sure I watch her while she's introduced to knew things.
This new thing. She likes this new thing.
It's part toy, part food. What's not to like?
She's alternating between rubbing it across her gums and sucking on it like a Rendezvous rib. Get it girl!

Meanwhile, I'll be right here to sneak away any too big bits she cracks know, just in case.
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