That's apparently Josie's new fooditude (That's right. I'm combining words like peanut butter and jelly). But before I explain, allow me to do what I so frequently enjoy. Let's Tarantino this!
So as you may recall, today was Josie's first day eating big kid lunch at daycare. I was a little nervous, which I think may be my normal state now. As usual, all that worry was in vain. Head lady said Josie was super excited when she realized she was being seated with the table food-eaters and not the spoon-feeders this afternoon.
She ate pasta and corn and tropical fruit. Now, I'm not totally enthused about the corn and pasta. I don't count corn as a true vegetable. I count it as a starch. But I know Josie will get plenty of veggies, and apparently she really liked the corn.
In fact, I think lunchtime may have looked something like this:

That is if Josie were Godzilla (or Babyzilla) and corn were Tokyo.
Since she did so well at lunch, I thought she should have an all-finger-foods dinner. My parents were in town and we all went out to eat at an Italian restaurant. I toted along steamed carrots and peas in case there wasn't anything I thought Josie could eat off the menu.
She snacked on the peas and carrots until my chicken parmigiana came. But it wasn't the chicken she had her eye on. Rather, the sides of rotini alfreddo and sauteed spinach caught her eye.
I spooned a few cut-up pieces of rotini (double pasta day) and spinach onto her place mat but didn't really think she'd be that into it since both were garlicky, and I don't just mean a little bit.
She inhaled it. Looked up and demanded more. "Dedd darhhh jerrhhh!"
She ate off my plate for the rest of dinner.
By the end of the meal, her cheeks were smeared with cheese sauce and spinach. She smelled like a garlic roll. I almost took a bite.
And as I tried to scrape the scraps off her place mat, she looked up at me with a pouty face that said "No, mommy. No."
Apparently, little piggy doesn't share. But I gotta respect that. Girl don't play.
HA! Yay for being a great eater, Josie! And yes, corn is not a veggie. It's a grain. :)