Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ain't no thing

As we prepare to move two states away, start new jobs and find new routines, we're also preparing to wean Josie now from bottles to sippy cups and from formula to whole milk. Great timing, no?
Most docs/officials/smart people recommend switching baby to whole milk at a year old, and we hope to do that. But we may delay the big switch for a few weeks depending on how quickly Josie adapts to her new home and schedule. 
Josie has done so well with all the other transitions we've asked her to make. Still, this is the first time we've asked her to make such big ones so close together. I don't want to yank the bottle out from under her, so to speak.
As usual, the rationale side of me knows this will be difficult at first but still harder for me than for Josie. And the worry side of me is saying "Ah! Ah! Ah!"
The rationale side will win, and the worry side will remember this:
Out of sheer curiosity on Saturday, I let Josie try milk. 
Did she like it? Dunno. She didn't not like it. 
I poured the milk in a sippy cup because I don't want Josie associating her new beverage-of-choice with bottles since that would defeat the weaning goal. And I didn't heat it up because I want her to take milk straight from the refrigerator. 
When we weaned her from breast to formula bottle, we heated her bottles to make the transition easier and more appealing. But now, she expects warm bottles all the time. When the bottles go, I'll be done with the tedious heating routine.
Any way, Josie took a few sips of milk. And then a few more. She never broke her concentration on the alphabet magnets she was rearranging on the fridge. She took more sips and carried on carrying on.
Basically, her whole demeanor said, "Ain't no thing."
I am encouraged. Now, if we can only cut down on the number of bottle feedings each day and get her to eat more table food....
Hopefully, by January, I'll be able to look back and say "Ain't no thing."

1 comment:

  1. GOOD LUCK! Rigby is not a fan of the sippy cup, so we'll have to work a lot on that...but great idea in putting the whole milk in the sippy cup straight from the fridge.

    If I were you, I'd ease the transition too...anything to make her feel comfy, and at home, even if she is not sure she is home when you move. Thinking of you three!!!
